Service Learning
Service Learning in CPS
Service Learning is about diving deep into real life. It is about asking important questions and understanding yourself. Through talking about what’s going on in the world, research into what makes things the way they are, and action to make change, you develop as a strong leader.
CPS Definition
Service Learning is a teaching strategy that connects classroom curriculum with service projects. Service Learning engages students in projects that serve the community while building social, civic, and academic skills. Service Learning is a pedagogical strategy, not an outcome. Service Learning is an opportunity for students to develop Common Core skills and 21st century skills (Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, and Critical Thinking/Problem Solving) through project preparation and development, execution, and reflection. Research indicates that when students participate in high quality Service Learning we see positive academic, social/emotional, and civic outcomes.
Service Learning projects should meet the following standards of excellent practice:
The district requirement is 2 classroom-based Service Learning projects, one in Civics or AP Government and one in another class. While every project will be different, all projects must connect to the curriculum, involve student voice, and include preparation, action, and reflection. Please see the detailed policies below by graduating class.
For more information, please visit the CPS Service Learning page