Fundamentals of IT (FIT) (Period 5)

Course Description

Course Description


This orientation-level course is designed to provide students with transferable employability competencies, digital literacy, problem solving, and technical skills that are essential for success in academic and employment settings. Students will engage in an exploration of academic and career options, as they examine and develop their interests and strengths to identify and plan the steps necessary to access college and career opportunities. Students will cultivate and validate their digital literacy through the exploration of: information technology hardware and software; information management; software application content creation; communication and collaboration; and safety and security – as they prepare for an industry digital literacy certification. Further, they will explore digital literacy as a foundation of digital equity and active citizenship that allows for full participation in our society, and employ strategies for positive and productive engagement with technology. Students will apply the digital literacy and problem-solving strategies and skills that they develop in a variety of hard and soft-skill scenarios, and through hands-on computing tasks.

 This course is a prerequisite for the CTE IT Game Programming/Programming, Networking and Cybersecurity, and Web Development training and advanced-level courses that are part of IT career-focused training programs.